The One Reason You Should Hire a Freelance Writer Instead of an Article Writing Service

3 min readOct 18, 2021

A dedicated freelance writer can develop and share your brand voice effectively with your clients and customers

Photo by Dave Goudreau on Unsplash

Every age group and target market searches for information about the products and services they want to buy online. To stay competitive, creating a steady stream of written content for your customers and clients has become your company’s top priority. Yet, if you’re like many businesses out there, you probably don’t have a full-time writer as part of your staff.

Without a dedicated writer to meet your company’s content needs, you might have already turned to an article writing service. If you’ve been disappointed with the outcome, here’s why:

Article Writing Services Overcharge You and Underpay Writers

You usually pay article writing services several hundred or thousand dollars for packages of content, hoping the company will deliver high-quality, ready-to-post content such as articles, blogs, product descriptions, and social media posts. The idea of not having to think about content anymore beyond this point is appealing.

But what ends up happening, most often, is that you get barely usable, subpar content. In cases I’ve seen, content produced by…




Specialize in personal finance, small business, online business, investment, self help, true crime.